Special Character Statement

Liston College was founded on the Charism of Edmund Rice, which challenges staff and students to:

“Act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with their God”

From Edmund Rice’s life and vision, we as a college community believe in:

  • The dignity of each person
  • Seeing Christ revealed in each person
  • A clear commitment to the poor and the marginalised
  • A commitment to excellence in teaching and learning
  • Partnership with families and the local church
  • A commitment to our faith

The Special Character Goals of our College are to:
break the cycle of poverty enable our students to transform our society in the light of the Gospel

The worth and liberation of the individual, enhanced by the personal formation in the light of the Gospel, are essential to Liston College.

Our goals will be the education of and motivation of our students by a faithful and creative presentation of what the Church believes and teaches. As we strive to enlighten and inspire our students, we will impart the message of Christ both academically and pastorally. Through this our Charism Statement, Christ will create a Community of Service - service, which will radiate from our school to the wider community and to the whole people of God. This service will be directed to the needs of all needs of peace, reconciliation, and justice; needs arising from poverty, prejudice, ignorance, and neglect.

In striving to attain our goals we will keep constantly before us the need for us to be open to the truth and spirit of the Gospel.