Pastoral Care permeates the total climate of relationships within the Catholic School. It has the individual as its focus and reflects the support, the encouragement and the tender care shown and experienced in gospel-based communities. 

“Pastoral Care in Catholic Schools” Catholic Education Office.  

At Liston College there is a strong focus within the College in the context of a shared partnership with parents in the formation and education of their son(s).

Pastoral Care at Liston College is based on the following:

  • the Charism of Edmund Rice which challenges staff and students to: “act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with their God.”
  • the necessity of care for others as demonstrated in the life of Jesus.

Liston College provides an environment that integrates the Gospel values of love, faith, honesty, integrity, service and justice with daily living and learning. It provides a structure where teachers and other professionals support the emotional and spiritual wellbeing of individual students and where strong relationships are established between teachers and students and their families. Furthermore this caring philosophy is reflected through all major sections of the school such as the Deans network, Form Teacher / Form Class, Careers Guidance, Guidance Counselling, Special Needs and Learning Support. This philosophy is also deeply ingrained in the way students are disciplined, the curriculum and in the way it is delivered.

Therefore Liston College aims to enhance the development of school environment where young people feel safe, valued, engaged and purposeful. There are a number of ways we do this, including:

  • Senior Leadership opportunities
  • Travellers programme
  • Peer Support
  • Peer mediation
  • School camps
  • Support of charities
  • Peer Mentoring

Such opportunities aim to: 

  • encourage greater respect for one another
  • promote zero tolerance of bullying
  • build resilience
  • provide student leadership opportunities
  • cater for special needs
  • encourage support of charities
  • recognise achievements

Most Pastoral Care occurs in the daily interaction and activity of the school and is carried out by all members of the school community. It comes through the ordinary interaction between staff and students. It is often unplanned, and sometimes even unconscious, because it is a disposition. Pastoral Care involves attitudes and relationships both inside and outside the classroom. It is both proactive and reactive to best serve the needs of the College community.

Pastoral Care Team:

DeanYear LevelContact
Dr JD Van Paauwe
Year 13[email protected]
Mr J FuiavaYear 12[email protected] 
Mr C WebsterYear 11[email protected] 
Ms H Mather
Year 10[email protected]
Ms E TufalaYear 9[email protected]
Ms P AndrewsYear 7 & 8[email protected] 
Mr H HickeyAcademic Dean Year 7 - 13
[email protected]
Mrs S DaltonLearning Support Coordinator Yrs 10-13[email protected]
Ms G McQuaidLearning Support Coordinator Yrs 7-9
[email protected]
Mr J AuimatagiSchool Nurse and Guidance Team Lead[email protected]

Restorative Justice