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Periods and Bell Times

The school operates on a ten-day timetable cycle, with each day known as Day 1 to Day 10. The term planner in the Student Diary and Parent Handbook, indicates what “DAY” it is at any point in the term. The student’s timetable is based on this ten-day cycle.


Please note:

  • Years 12 and 13 finish at 1.10pm on Wednesdays. However, students maybe “Called Back” by staff for a number of reasons, such as additional tuition, scholarship classes, reassessment opportunities or sports practices.

Monday - Friday

8.45 - 9.00 Form Period (Monday and Friday will be Assembly)

9.00 - 9.55 Period 1

9.55 - 10.50 Period 2

10.50 - 11.15 Interval

11.15 - 12.15 Period 3

12.15 - 1.15 Period 4

1.15 - 1.55 Lunch 

1.55  Warning Bell

2.00 - 3.00 Period 5

Attendance Requirements 

School Attendance

Under the Education and Training Act, attendance at school is compulsory unless the student is unable to attend because of sickness, danger of infection, sudden or serious illness of a parent or severity of weather. Also, by law, all students must remain at school until they reach the age of sixteen. If students do not attend school regularly, they will be less likely to do well in their studies.


Teachers keep a period-by-period check on classroom attendance. Where a student is absent without good reason for a period or more, he will be required to make up the time.


Lateness (after 8.40am)


School Absentee line:  837 9807                      email: [email protected]


Any student late to school must report to the Dean’s Office with a note of explanation. A late slip will be issued and must be shown to their subject teacher and then given to their form teacher. 


Continual unexplained lateness can incur an after-school detention.



If your son is absent on any one day, please phone the absentee line (837 9807) before 9.30am. Where the period of absence is likely to be longer than two days, parents / caregivers are asked to inform the school as soon as possible. 


All absences must be explained in writing by a parents / caregivers, setting out the reason for the absence and the exact period involved. This can either be written in the front of this diary or a written note presented to the student’s form teacher. The note must be brought to school on the first day the student returns.


Requests for Leave

Students’ request for leave from the college for extended periods of time must be made in writing to the Principal at least 14 days in advance of the intended leave. Students who are granted leave are expected to make up the work that they have missed out on.


Leaving School Early 

Students are not allowed to leave the school during school hours without written permission.  Requests for any such leave must be made by way of a note from home to the student’s Dean, who will sign it, granting permission. The student must collect a school pass when signing out at the School Office, and then sign back in when he returns. He is expected to keep the school pass on him at all times whilst outside the college.


Parents should ensure appointments are made outside of school hours.

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