Code of Conduct

Students are expected to always act in a manner which is respectful of themselves, others, their property and their environment. Their behaviour needs to bring credit to themselves and to Liston College. This Code of Conduct applies to school trips, school functions and on the way to and from school, not just at school.

Learning Rights:

You have a right to a good education by:

  • receiving help and assistance when you need it
  • learning unimpeded
  • being offered a range of educational opportunities
  • receiving regular feedback on your progress at school
  • being well taught ie. receiving lessons that are interesting and that meet your ability level in an environment where there are high standards of work and behaviour.

Learning Responsibility:

Your responsibility is to try your hardest in class and help others learn by:

  • following school / class rules and procedures
  • being at school and to class / activity on time
  • bringing the correct equipment / books necessary for the class or activity
  • being attentive and doing quality work
  • completing all the class work and homework
  • participating in activities
  • not interrupting the learning of others
  • acting on advice given to assist your learning

Safety Rights:

You have the right to feel safe and secure by:

  • your property being safe and respected
  • being protected against threats to your safety
  • having a classroom / school environment that is clean, pleasant and well maintained

Safety Responsibility:

You have the responsibility to ensure that other people and property is safe, secure and cared for by:

  • following school / class rules and procedures
  • keeping the school environment / equipment free from litter, graffiti and damage
  • returning all found property to the school office
  • labelling your own property
  • being honest and trustworthy
  • not bringing to school / using prohibited substances and or forbidden articles
  • ensuring that others’ property is free from interference

Treatment Rights:

You have the right to receive respect from others by:

  • being free from discrimination and harassment
  • being treated respectfully and fairly

Treatment Responsibility:

You have a responsibility to treat others as you would like them to treat you by:

  • avoiding verbal “put downs” and physical abuse
  • listening to others
  • using polite language
  • celebrating other peoples’ successes
  • treating others with fairness, respect and dignity
  • following school / class rules and procedures
  • Not using social media to disparage staff, students, their families and or the College itself

Loyalty Rights:

You have the right to expect the College to be highly regarded by its students and community

Loyalty Responsibility:

You have the responsibility to act in such a way so that the name of the College is respected by:

  • wearing the school uniform correctly at all times
  • being well groomed
  • behaving in a manner that reflects well on you and the College outside school and at functions
  • being welcoming to visitors to the college
  • representing the college with pride
  • living out the school motto “In Christ we live”